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Workers affiliated to the municipal workers’ union are expected to go on an indefinite strike over salary and benefit disputes

JOHANNESBURG – Rand Water said that it had plans in place to ensure that taps will not run dry if Samwu workers’ strike goes ahead on Wednesday.

Workers affiliated to the municipal workers’ union are expected to go on an indefinite strike over salary and benefit disputes. But the employer believed that the strike was unprotected and warned that those taking part could face disciplinary action.

Rand Water’s Justice Mohale said that the water utility was an essential service and therefore workers were not allowed to abandon their posts.

“Unions and employees know that the minimum service agreement exists, which can regulate the category of employees who may participate in such industrial action. We can allow a situation where interrupted water supply to customers and ultimately to residents. We cannot afford that,” he said.

Rand Water supplies water to municipalities and industries in Gauteng, the North West, Mpumalanga and the Free State provinces.

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