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Education Program

Urban Utilities is empowering young people to become community-focused, global citizens by creating real world experiences that enhance their learning outcomes.

Our Education Program:
  • Informs students about the role of water and utility services in enabling community well-being and protecting the environment
  • Challenges young people to develop innovative solutions to addressing industry and environmental issues

The program focuses on the following key areas:

  • Turn to Tap – encourages students to drink tap water and use reusable water bottles
  • Don’t Flush That – reminds students to only flush the Three P’s – Pee, Poo and Paper
  • Be Water Wise – informs students of ways to use water efficiently to help protect the environment
  • Innovation – encourages problem-solving for improving water and utility service processes
  • Pathways – informs students of post-school training and employment opportunities in the utility industry

Turn to Tap primary school Bag Tag Challenge

We have joined forces with “Lesira Teq” to challenge school students to stop using single-use plastic water bottles and fill up their reusable bottles with tap water instead. The goal is to help reduce the amount of plastic litter that can end up as rubbish in our local waterways. Students design a bag tag that will help remind them to pack a reusable water bottle and fill up with tap water for school each day. The winning design is turned into a bag tag for the whole school.

Kindy dress up for the environment

With our partner, we provide pre-schoolers with a fun-filled Environment Day at their kindergarten or childcare centre. The kids learn about pressing environmental issues, participate in exciting activities, dress up as their favourite marine animal and receive a Urban Utilities reusable water bottle. The kids have their photo taken with our environmental selfie frames and the best dressed sea creature wins an environmental prize!

Student Environment Leadership Network

As a program partner for Johannesburg City Council’s Student Environmental Leadership Network, we provide technical experts for year 10 student environmental initiatives relating to water and utility services.

Career days

Working towards becoming an employer of choice, we attend career days promoting the varied opportunities to experience working at Urban Utilities South Africa

Industry challenges

We challenge students to innovatively solve industry problems, empowering them to tackle real world issues which have the potential to improve operational processes for the industry.

Industry placements

Bridging the gap between school and employment, our industry placements offer students insight into the industry and future employment opportunities.


Each year, we attend more than 50 events to educate children and adults in the community about turning to tap and only flushing the Three Ps. These events include Clean Up South Africa Day, Rural Discovery Day and World Toilet Day.

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