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How do I report a leak on a road/footpath?

If you see flowing or trickling clear water on a road, footpath or nature strip that is not a result of rainfall, or a damp patch that doesn’t dry up after a couple of days, you can complete a ‘Report a Leak’ form or call our 24 hour faults and emergencies team on +27 0800 172 979.


How do I report a leak on my property?

If you identify a leak on your property, you can call out our plumbing or electrical team l A water leak on private property is the responsibility of the property owner. Find out more about your responsibilities and that of the council or municipalities. Call Out our Plumbers or Call Out our Electricians


I don’t have any water or electricity

If you don’t have any water coming through your taps you should firstly check to see if your neighbours are experiencing a similar issue. If they’re not, it could be an issue with your private plumbing or electrical system, and you will need to call a qualified plumber or electrician. If they also have no water or electricity, please call our 24 hour faults and emergencies team on +27 0800 172 979 and let us assist you to find out what the problem may be from your local council or municipality.


My water pressure is low

If you are experiencing reduced water pressure you should firstly check to see if your neighbours are experiencing a similar issue. If they’re not, it could be an issue with your private plumbing, and you will need to call a qualified plumber. If they also have no water or electricity, please call our 24 hour faults and emergencies team on +27 0800 172 979 and let us assist you to find out what the problem may be from your local council or municipality.

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